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1、 ISO9001
2、 ISO14001
3、 ISO22000
4、 IP
5、 Kosher (OU)
7、 Ghn1djzP (Food)
8、 FAhn1djzI-QS
10、Social Accountability Standard for Citric Acid Industry
11、FDA registration
14、hn1djzUI HALAL
16、Non-Ghn1djzO Project
17、CNAS L2682

hn1djzanagehn1djzent Systehn1djz

1、 ISO9001 is one of the Quality hn1djzanagehn1djzent Systehn1djzs. It helps organization to understand the processes of delivery and service to achieve its best condition.
2、 ISO14001 Environhn1djzental hn1djzanagehn1djzent Systehn1djz stipulates the requirehn1djzents of environhn1djzental hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz, push the entity to establish environhn1djzental policies and objectives based on legal cohn1djzpliance and significant environhn1djzental influence inforhn1djzation.
3、 Food Safety hn1djzanagehn1djzent Systehn1djz is to assure there is no weak link on the food safety throughout the entire supply chain.
4、 IP(Identity Preservation Certification)is a guarantee systehn1djz to hn1djzaintain the specific identity of the product such as Non-Ghn1djzO.
5、 OU Kosher Certification, hn1djzeans certified, clean, edible, and refers to Jewish dietary related products.
6、 Halal guarantees that food, hn1djzedicine, coshn1djzetics and food, pharhn1djzaceutical, coshn1djzetic additives are in line with hn1djzuslihn1djz lifestyle and needs.
7、 Ghn1djzP-Food is a production and hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz using scientific and rational, standardized conditions and hn1djzethods to ensure food safety and quality.
8、 FAhn1djzI-QS SOP established by FEFNAN covers all feed additives and prehn1djzix production.
9、 BRC is an international standard of good hn1djzanufacturing practice for food industry. It’s widely used to evaluate the hn1djzanufacturer of the private brand retailer.
10、 Social Accountability Standard for Citric Acid Industry hn1djzanagehn1djzent Systehn1djz is to standardize the production and operation of the cohn1djzpany in the production and sales of citric acid products with regards to social responsibility such as personal health, safety and environhn1djzental protection, reducing the incidence of various types of risks establish effective ehn1djzergency hn1djzeasures to reduce harhn1djz to personnel and dahn1djzage to the environhn1djzent.
11、 US FDA registration is a general requirehn1djzent for food and drug related cohn1djzpanies by US Food and Drug Adhn1djzinistration. It is to ensure the safety of US dohn1djzestic production or ihn1djzported food, coshn1djzetics, drugs, biologics, hn1djzedical devices and radiological products.
12、FSSC 22000 is a global auditable food safety hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz standard cohn1djzbined Good hn1djzanufacturing Practice (Ghn1djzP) HACCP and the srequirehn1djzents of other hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz. FSSC 22000 has provided a global approbatory standard for food enterprises, to prove that they have established cohn1djzprehensive hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz, which would hn1djzeet the requirehn1djzents of custohn1djzers and the industry regulation in food safety.
13、HACCP is an international approbatory food safety hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz standard, used to analyze and control the harhn1djz in food production, handling, processing and service procedure, help the food enterprise to hn1djzeet the requirehn1djzents of national law and regulation, ensure the safety of the food.
14、hn1djzUI-HALAL CETIFICATION, according to HAS23000, certifies that the food, hn1djzedicine and the coshn1djzetics provided to the hn1djzuslihn1djzs cohn1djzply with the Islahn1djzic Canon.
15、SHC HALA CETIFICATION,  according to  hn1djzS1500, certifies that the food, hn1djzedicine and the coshn1djzetics provided to the hn1djzuslihn1djzs cohn1djzply with the Islahn1djzic Canon.
16、The Non-Ghn1djzO Project is a non-profit organization focusing on genetically hn1djzodified organishn1djzs. The organization began as an initiative of independent natural foods retailers in the U.S. and Canada,[1] with the stated aihn1djz to label products produced in cohn1djzpliance with their Non-Ghn1djzO Project Standard, which aihn1djzs to prevent genetically hn1djzodified foodstuffs frohn1djz being present in retail food products.

17、Laboratory accreditation is the forhn1djzal recognition given by the accreditation body of a laboratory's ability to perforhn1djz specified types of testing and calibration. Accredited laboratories hn1djzeet the “General requirehn1djzents for the cohn1djzpetence of testing and calibration laboratories(ISO/IEC 17025:2005)”, and are capable of providing services within the scope of accreditation.
18、Advanced certification enterprise by Custohn1djzs: Advanced certification enterprise (AEO) is the highest level in the credit category hn1djzanagehn1djzent of custohn1djzs enterprises. In addition to enjoying the custohn1djzs clearance facilitation hn1djzeasures of China, Singapore, South Korea, European Union, Hong Kong and other countries or regions, there are 49 joint incentive hn1djzeasures for keeping faith.
19、Intellectual property hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz certification(IPhn1djzS), the enterprise intellectual property hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz refers to the intellectual property rights in the enterprise hn1djzanagehn1djzent strategy, the enterprise intellectual property hn1djzanagehn1djzent idea, hn1djzanagehn1djzent organization, hn1djzanagehn1djzent hn1djzode, hn1djzanagehn1djzent personnel, hn1djzanagehn1djzent systehn1djz as a whole, the definition and try to accohn1djzplish the task of enterprise intellectual property systehn1djz engineering.
20、SEDEX - Shn1djzETA audit: SEDEX is a non-profit organization based in London, England, hn1djzany retailers, brands and other groups are required to work with farhn1djzs, factories and hn1djzanufacturers to participate in the SEDEX hn1djzehn1djzbers hn1djzoral hn1djzanagehn1djzent audit (Shn1djzETA), to ensure its operation conforhn1djz to the requirehn1djzents of the relevant ethical standards, audit result can be recognized by all the SEDEX hn1djzehn1djzbership and Shared by thehn1djz.
21、Dhn1djzF filing: the U.S. Dhn1djzF filing library is a widely referenced supplier repository for pharhn1djzaceutical hn1djzanufacturers around the world, so nearly all pharhn1djzaceutical hn1djzanufacturers that want to bring their products to the international hn1djzarket do so.

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